Wednesday, 10 September 2014


International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research IJBAIR, 2014, 3(1): 8 - 13;


*1Ebojele F.O. and 1Ezenwanne E.B.
Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical sciences, University of Benin, Benin city, Nigeria.
*Corresponding author:
Received: 16th December, 2013 Accepted: 24th February, 2014 Published: 31th March, 2014
Twenty-five (25) adult female rabbits were employed to study the possible effects of aqueous extract of Cyperus esculentus on some liver functional indices. The rabbits were divided into five groups (A, B, C, D and E) of five animals each with group A serving as control. The experimental groups (B, C, D and E) received daily oral doses of 12.5mg, 25mg, 50mg and 100mg per kg of body weight of the extract respectively for a period of four weeks. Weekly estimate of serum alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase(AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were carried out. Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA and the results were expressed as Mean  SEM, with p-values of less than 0.05 considered statistically significant. The results revealed significant increase in serum ALT, AST, and ALP concentrations in group E at the end of the experiment. It was concluded that the observed increase in serum levels of these enzymes indicate that Cyperus esculentus may have some clearly definable hepatotoxic properties, probably, if taken in large quantities and for a prolonged period.

Keywords: Cyperus esculentus, Liver, Rabbit, Aqueous extract, Enzymes.
Cyperus esculentus, also known as ‘Tiger nut’ in local parlance, is a plant of the family Cyperaceae. The plant produces rhizomes from the base and tubers that are somewhat spherical (Cortes et al., 2005), and is also known by various names like yellow nutsedge, Chufa (a Spanish name), Earth Almond, Rush nut, Flatsedge, Water grass, Zulu nut, Nut grass, and edible rush (Shilenko et al., 1979; Eteshola and Oraedu, 1996). The nut of this plant is known by various local languages in Nigeria as ‘Aya’ in Hausa, ‘Imumu’ in Yoruba, and ‘Ofio’ or ‘Aki Hausa’ in Ibo (Omode et al., 1995). The nuts can be eaten raw, roasted, dried, baked or made into a refreshing beverage called ‘kunnu’ in Hausa language (Oladele and Aina, 2007).
Cyperus esculentus is valued for the highly nutritional starch content, dietary fibre and digestible carbohydrate of monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides (Temple et al., 1990). The nut was also reported to be rich in sucrose, protein, minerals and fat, which are resistant to peroxidation (Rita, 2009). It was also reported that Cyperus esculentus can be taken by diabetics mainly for its sucrose and starch, and for its high content of arginine which is reported to stimulate the production of insulin (Belewu and Belewu, 2007). The plant was shown to be nutritious, and possesses anti-sickling activity and may therefore be helpful in the management of sickle cell patients (Monago and Uwakwe, 2009). One other study showed that Cyperus esculentus content of arginine (an antisickling amino acid) is very high (Nwaoguikpe and Nwazue, 2010). This fact is potentially of immense benefit as an anti-sickling agent in inhibiting sickle cell hemoglobin polymerization, improvement of the oxidant status of sickle erythrocytes
and improvement of the oxygen affinity. Thus, Cyperus esculentus is probably of profound nutritional value as it possesses antisickling properties for the effective treatment and management of anemia, kwashiokor, thalassemia, sickle cell disease and their complications (Nwaoguikpe and Nwazue, 2010). These and several other reports led some group of workers to understudy the phytochemical composition of Cyperus esculentus tuber, following which it was determined that it contains Alkaloids, Cyanogenic glycosides, Resins, Tannins, Sterols, and Saponins (Ekeanyanwu et al., 2010).
There was a study of the possible effect of Cyperus esculentus on heart diseases and related conditions. In their report, the nuts were found to be ideal for children, the elderly, and sportsmen and women as a result of its cholesterol lowering properties (Martinez, 2003). There is a report that the consumption of the oil from Cyperus esculentus tuber decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases because of the low content of saturated fatty acid (Burn et al., 2004). It was also reported to help in preventing thrombosis, and the tuber was also implicated in the reduction of colon cancer (Adejuyitan et al., 2009). There is paucity of information from literature on the effect of Cyperus esculentus on liver function. It was therefore the aim of the present study to determine the effect of aqueous extract of Cyperus esculentus on some liver functional indices in rabbit.

Anthonio Research Center © 2014 8 Ebojele and Ezenwanne, IJBAIR; 3 (1): 8-13
ISSN: 2315-5388

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