Wednesday, 10 September 2014


International Journal of Basic, Applied and Innovative Research IJBAIR, 2014, 3(1): 1;
Nwaopara A.O., PhD, FIIA
Published: 31th March, 2014
For centuries, challenges have remained a strong reason for solution-seeking. It might be economic, academic, financial, health, religious, social, political, and security challenges. By implication therefore, challenges of different shades can be an issue for individuals, institutions, families, communities, nations, continents, and the world at large. Of course in searching for a solution, several short term or long term strategies are deployed. What matters however, is how effective the strategy deployed is. Usually, hastily thought-out strategies are deployed and such hasty strategies might either incubate the challenges and worsen it, or set it up onto the solution path. Alternatively, the challenge can be studied carefully for a better understanding on the best solution strategy to apply; often times requiring an innovative approach. Indeed, the power of innovation has been recognized worldwide and several innovative strategies have been developed in solving economic, technological, financial, educational, and security challenges. Overall, innovative-laden solution strategies requires a deep understanding of the challenge and a thorough rehearsal of the well researched solution strategy, as well as a complete domination of the challenge in order to develop definite and effective preventive measures. Imagine then the half-measures deployed in solving the myriad challenges facing Nigeria like her political and cooperative governance in shambles; the civil service and education sector yearning for direction stability; the corruption and insecurity challenges swallowing the nation; the injustice and impunity becoming the order of the day; and the relatively non-existent social services. Yet, a lot of the nation’s wealth is being squandered on the alter of missing funds; ‘white-elephant projects; travelling and wardrobe allowances; refurnishing of already refurnished government owned houses; security votes that are statutorily not audited, road projects that are repeated in subsequent budgets and/or duplicated in same budget; constituency projects; debatable legislative remunerations that had appeared mysterious; remuneration for countless political aids whose functions appears duplicated; and tax-like payments to political god fathers amongst others. Although some Nigerian administrators are genuinely making efforts to salvage the country from her self induced socio-political ‘tsunami’, one wonders however, what goes on in the minds of those mismanaging the affairs of Nigeria? Are they allergic to genuine/innovative ways of tackling the challenges facing Nigeria? Are they not aware that some of their actions and inactions have contributed towards worsening the challenges facing Nigeria? Don’t they know that there are better and effective ways of doing things? In fact, the application of the basic principles of innovation towards providing solutions to the countless challenges facing Nigeria, especially the challenges of insecurity, severe unemployment rate, political instability, generalized intolerance, corruption and fraud of all shades, has become inevitable, as innovation-power remains that multidimensional solution tool that can confine the litany of Nigeria’s challenges in the history books.

Anthonio Research Center © 2014 1 Nwaopara, IJBAIR; 3 (1): 1
ISSN: 2315-5388

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